Michelle Morrison
Sr. Design Program Manager, Dropbox
Work habits and collaborative norms form organically, often without intentional design. Norms that are formed by most people on a team may not always account for or include everyone on a team. How might we approach this process in an inclusive way? How might we take personal ownership of defining and co-creating partnerships? How might we work to make our cultural norms explicit? In this talk, we will explore what it means to design culture from a place of values to build stronger, more effective connections on your team.
Michelle Morrison believes in the power of community. As a Design Operations leader, she thinks through strategic organizational systems to make process painless and teams healthy. She currently works in Design Ops at Dropbox, previously she built people-centered programs at Facebook, Intercom, Square and IDEO.org. She also helped build Designers + Geeks, San Francisco’s largest design community and lecture series. She is all cream, no sugar.