
Oh, the places you’ll go! (by taking a fresh look at stale processes)

Shelby Bower

Director, Service Design

Shelby will talk about how you can adapt cumbersome HR tools and insert steps into rigid HR processes so they work better for real humans, including you as a leader. She’ll show you how creating a simplified career ladder, taking a fresh look at how to use skills, and using those to better support career growth, hiring and promoting people, can help your teams both feel better about and do more with their careers.

Shelby’s been working in tech for almost (gulp) 20 years. Holding titles ranging from Webmaster to Information Architect to UX Designer to Consultant and then some, spanning many verticals and industries, she’s seen a lot and has the stories to prove it. These days she’s most interested in how to make working in tech as a creative person a sustainable endeavor, whether it’s improving the hiring or promotion process, rewriting career ladders, building internal mentoring programs or playing with Midjourney (and other tools) to see how it can help everyone do everything (or not).

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