
Bringing the Urdu Language to iOS Devices

Learn from the best of design leaders and ICs we’ve hosted at our DesignX events and conferences.

Mudassir Azeemi

UX Designer

In 15 minutes, Mudassir will share his journey which includes a startup failure that cost him $50,000 of loss, but also led to him inspiring Apple to bring Urdu's original typography to their devices. Learn how he inspired a trillion-dollar company to bring the Urdu Language on iOS devices, while working 9 to 5, and transitioned from Software Development to UX.

Hi there. I am Mudassir Azeemi, culturally aware UX/Product designer. I am currently working on a mission-critical application at Wells Fargo, leading the interaction design effort for Commercial Electronic Office (CEO) Portal, and that portal is doing 13 trillion dollars of transactions every year. And I teach at UC Berkely at UX/UI Bootcamp as a lead instructor. I brought the Urdu language on Apple's iOS 2 billion devices!

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